How To Teach Yourself New Skills When You Require Hands-On Learning? —

Raj Kumar
8 min readDec 2, 2022

In this article, we will discuss how learning a new skill is essential, the role of hands-on learning, and how someone can overcome the problems they face while learning a new skill?

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Learning a new skill is one of the most consistent things we experience in life.

Our mentors, teachers, and parents always advise us to practice and learn new skills whenever we have little time.

Knowing a new skill impacts both our physical and mental state. It gives us the boost and pushes that we need.

hands-on learning technique is a great way to start your journey when you learn a new skill.

The Importance Of Hands-On Learning In Education

Teachers and parents have long taught hands-on learning as an important factor in educating a child and improving their academic performance.

Hands-on learning is a form of tutoring your child to learn by doing things.

Instead of listening to a teacher or watching an educational medium, the students engage in the activity to create or solve something.

An Insight Into Hands-On Learning

Hands-on learning is an educational philosophy that should be incorporated into every subject matter related to a child’s education.

A student can forget something that he or she hears or learns, but they will never forget something that they practice with their own hands.

Hands-on learning has been around for a while, but still, there are a lot of educational institutes that do not include it in their courses.

Because they find it difficult to include hands-on learning projects in the pre-planned activities and works for students.

Nonetheless, hands-on learning is very important and beneficial for a child’s education.

Hands-on learning is a more engaging way to learn and practice for students; it leads to more retention and allows the child to be more creative and to practice things from a critical thinking perspective.

This way of learning pushes the students to think outside the box and to experiment with the problems, substances, and tools they will come face-to-face in their lives.

Hands-on learning uproots the traditional, and boring classroom routine so that students can move, discuss, engage, and interact with other people to learn a skill.

Is Learning A New Skill? — A Problem Or Not?

Skill means to do a particular thing with much practice to reach perfection. Learning new skills is one of the most productive things that a person can do.

New skills mean new chances and opportunities to have.

It gives you a sense of confidence and accomplishment that matters a lot in both your personal and professional life.

We need to learn new skills as the world is developing and changing henceforth there is always something new to work on as you do not want to be left behind.

Learning A Skill Is A Problem Or Not?

Learning a new skill sounds very exciting, but it can also be a problem for some individuals.

It is quite common that when you learn something new or have a new experience, you are not going to get it the first time.

You have to learn, practice, make mistakes, and then finally get on with the new skill.

But some people can feel stuck in the process of learning a new skill and getting through all of that hassle.

That is why they may think that learning a new skill is not much of a confidence boost or a solution, but simply a problem.

There can be a couple of factors or hurdles that can make learning a new skill a problem for people.

The problematic factors can be a lack of time, changing technology, poor personalization, rigid learning lessons, minimal accessibility, and a lack of focus.

Learning a new skill may seem overwhelming; it can make you feel that you are just treading water, a strong feeling of uncertainty, and trying again to make you feel like a failure.

But this is just one feeling or one side of the learning process, as there is also progress and improvement that does give you the boost to keep moving.

You have to focus on the positive mirror than on the negative mirror.

Best Ways To Learn A New Skill

Learning a new skill does demand patience and time, but it will be one of the best experiences that one can have in life.

When you build a strong commitment to learning something new, then you approach new opportunities in your professional and personal networks.

Learning a new skill can be challenging at first, but with time it will get easier and much more fun.

Some people can find difficulty when they try to learn something new and distinctive.

So, here are the seven best ways to learn a new skill efficiently and productively:

It takes a lot of consistency, and time to learn a skill to perfection. You will come across several challenges but you will make progress as well.

The most important thing that you can do while learning a new skill is to take small steps instead of learning everything in one day.

Taking small steps will help you avoid frustration, fatigue, and failure that will diminish your impact.

This way of learning allows you to manage the load, and enjoy the procedure as well.

One of the initial preparations that you do for learning a new skill is to break down your skill set.

You should divide the skill set into sub-skills that comprise the whole learning curve of the skill.

For example, if you want to learn new technical skills, you should make a list of minor skills that will contribute to the main skill, such as typing or compressing files.

It will help you learn the skill in a better and more effective way as you will go through every step in a more prevailing manner.

When you start to approach learning a new skil l, you will also come across different barriers and hurdles.

You have to make a list of these potential barriers so that you can approach them in the right way.

Once you have the list of all the barriers, then make a list of things that can help you, overcome the barriers.

It will help you determine how to make improvements swiftly and accessibly.

Some people when they start to learn a new skill, it is merely to benefit them professionally or academically.

They only find it important because they relate to good marks or a better career option.

But they also get very objective or practical about learning the skill which can make them frustrated.

Because they find it meaningless and just another responsibility.

That is why it is important to make the skill meaningful for yourself and you will be able to improvise with it.

When the skill will be meaningful to you, only then you will be able to connect with it.

You need to understand the relevance of the skill in your life and how you can make it beneficial for you.

The 80/20 rule is quite beneficial when it comes to learning a new skill.

The idea refers to getting identified to 20 % of learning the skill and then approaching the remaining 80 % by improvising.

It implies that you should master 20 % of the skill to perfection, and then you practice the remaining 80 % by improvising, using your creativity, and on your own without having the burden to master it.

When you start to learn a new skill, make sure to focus and prioritize your personal growth over everything else.

Overcoming challenges to your learning impacts your personality in more than one way. You become more confident, progressive, and skilled.

Making your personal development the main goal will guide you to make good progress rather than gaining any hollow benefit.

And if you are not growing personally then you will not be able to learn any skill so concentrate on your coping and improving ability apart from anything else.

The best way to learn a new skill constructively is to practice little by little. We often hear that practice makes a person perfect.

So, without practicing the skill you are learning there is no possibility that you will be able to master it.

The more you practice, the more opportunities to be successful at the skill you are learning.

Because when you practice, you make mistakes that allow you to correct what you are doing wrong to make it right.

How Does Learning A Skill Impact A Person’s Growth?

Learning a new skill gives you a different perspective on the world around you.

If we do not bring change in our lives, we feel boredom, a lack of self-confidence, and more reasons to be angry.

That is why, learning something new once in a while allows you to gain new experiences, and trains the brain to handle new challenges.

A person grows when they make mistakes, and tries to learn from them.

Skill allows you to do, you try things that you have never done before, and then you practice to perfection.

Including a

new skill benefits you in more than one way. You become more capable mentally, and physically, which gives you a boost in every aspect of life.

Experiencing a growth mindset, and having that belief that you can learn new things and be good at anything you want gives you the best confidence that you can have in life.

A new skill allows you to progress which is immensely helpful to grow, and improve so that you can have a good present and an even better future.

But when you are in the process of learning a skill, try to be more focused on the positive, and not on the negative.

The necessity of learning a new skill is unmeasurable as it enhances your ability to work not only in your career but in your life.

Learning as a whole is highly significant to society as it allows you to communicate with different groups, share knowledge, agree on mutual values, and grow from each other’s experiences.

Hands-on learning is one of the best approaches to acknowledging and testing a new skill as you learn by doing and practicing.

Learning a new skill can be a hurdle for most people due to several potential barriers.

But there are several coping ways through which you can learn a new skill using hands-on learning without getting frustrated or problematic about it.

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Originally published at on December 2, 2022.



Raj Kumar

I am Raj, Founder of I would like to share my thoughts and life experiences with the readers on this website.